Birthday Boy

 Hello young lovers! This is Berit, Alex, and Sam #backlikeweneverleft with another blog post. Today is Sunday, January 26th. The sun was shining bright like a diamond and there was a high of 55° (hellooooo spring! We've missed you). Unfortunately, we had a bit of a late start to our morning (blackout curtains are deadly), but nevertheless set out to have a lovely day.

daily elevator selfie! (also a fun Where's Waldo but if Waldo was named Sam)

To appease the little hamsters running on the wheels in our stomachs, we decided to venture outside to find some food. Brunch, to be specific. And wow did we find brunch. Or should I say, rather, brunch found us. 

They say only in the deepest of darkness will you find the light to guide you home, but we personally found our guiding light by means of Apple Maps (on iPhone light mode even). Oh Blueberry Brunch, how we praise thee!

Here is a haiku, written by our own Sumner Strom, an ode to brunch.

Life is on hold so,

we adventured and ate,

then ate even more.

the blueberry dream waffle

speechless. no words. except the haiku those are words for sure.

After brunch, we attended office hours hosted by our very own Professor Berliner (#shoutout to Berliner (our GOAT) for holding office hours on a weekend to provide us with some help (Lord knows we need it!), much appreciated). 

a tender embrace caught on film 
(us when we understand mod)

This is when the day dips down. Berit, Alex, Sam, and Will were keen on going to the Cat Cafe to do some studying and also to pet at least 12 cats (meow). Alas! Cat Cafe line was too long, incredibly upset and hurt at this time, thoughts and prayers are appreciated (we saw all the cats through the window and they looked so happy) (almost cried).

us when no cat cafe :(

To express our discontent with the lack of cats in our life: a haiku.

By Berit Z. Borgnes

Cats behind the glass

Hear no purrs, feel no soft fur

To love is to lose

Luckily, Budapest is full of lovely cafes that are perfect for studying (even without cats). The lads decided to head to Muse Cafe, where we were denied entry to the upstairs, but the downstairs was just as good (at least that's what we're telling ourselves).

working hard or hardly working?

We are excited to announce that today is 

JOEEEEEEE DAYYYYYYYY and (Ellen De(not so)generous!!!!!!

this is for Joe (hey Joe it's us Alex Berit and Sam your classmates click here)

Now back to our main programming, today is our fourth annual Blockpuzzle tournament and boy was this year's tourney a doozy! It was of course hosted at St. Stephens Basilica and the incredible beauty and art only complimented the geometry sensation that is Blockpuzzle. The competing lineup this year was Alex Kelly, Bert Borgnes, William Ulrich, and of course Benji Luke Emperor Palpatine Zupfer (the reigning champ)! After many blocks placed and a few world records in lamp shattering (later requiring a visit to the lamp store off of Fashion Street) it resulted in a tie between Alex Kelly and a particularly large brown tabby cat! What an upset!

While we debated for hours on end whether or not to get a new lamp for our hotel room we decided pictures of the beautiful lamp store would have to be good enough (we couldn't bear the price of 1 Lebronner) 

Pictured here is the entry-way of the lamp store we visited today


While this trip has been incredibly fun, it is safe to say it isn't cheap and we are running low on our forint stipends so we are down to our last resort of hanging onto money. We want to give a huge thanks to Szuper Diszkont for their help and funding towards our trip so everyone please take a quick trip over to our favorite sponsor to buy your favorite convenience
store items.  

We love you Szuper Diszkont <3

Alex's Haiku:

Oh Szuper Diszkont
You fill lives with endless joy
Empty without you

We got reservations for the Birthday boy (William Chug Jug Ulrich). Sorry Joe, but we needed a special occasion to get into this very amazing restaurant and it is almost Will's half birthday today! We dined of candle roasted sourdough bread and droplets of water at one of Budapest's finest establishments (Tati) that boasts an elegant farm-to-table Hungarian style cuisine!


After the farm-to-table ordeal was tabled (and prerequisitely farmed), we carried on to gelato and chimney cakes in honor of Will's half-birthday, Joe's birthday, and the first Winter Olympics (1924). 

hmm what to choose what to choose

As we wrap up today and subsequently today's blog, we would like to express our gratitude to all of our loyal readers (shoutout families and Ytterboe Pod 276!). We're excited to make the last of our time count (Cat Cafe round two is in sight, reservation locked in). We would like to encourage all those on the trip, and elsewhere in the universe to make the most out of their days too. To conclude, we'd like to leave you with a quote;

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." 

-Benji Luke "The Force" Zupfer

Goodnight all.

Puszi Puszi,
Berit, Alex, and Sam


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