Our Last Day in Budapest!
Before I start a recap of today's events, I feel compelled to thank the people who have raised and guided this group of students. It is truly a special group. I witnessed countless kind acts and new friendships form and deepen as everyone was always invited to join in with one another's activities. Thank you! As the parent of two sons who traveled abroad, I hope you will ask your son, daughter, niece, nephew, sibling, friend about their experience in Hungary. We have hundreds (probably thousands) of photos and memories to share. Be prepared for the trip home from the airport; I found this time to be especially filled with all the things my sons experienced while abroad. Thank you for making this opportunity available to your children. They did great navigating a new city, language, culture, and country! I also want to thank the students for making the jobs of program assistant and faculty member a fantastic experience! We had PERFECT attendance at all classes and events! Wow! T...